Disjunctive Work and His Political Views
There a many alternative ways to
protest or question actions of the government other than having protests; one
happens to be through poetry. William Blake grew up during a time of change and
development in Europe. This influenced many works he completed including Poetical Sketches completed in 1783 and America, a Prophecy completed in 1793.
While his previous works are more straight forward expressing his political
views, Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience contrasts his
previous work. Songs of Innocence and
Experience creates ambiguity between the imagery and text. The ambiguity
and undertones in his work, specifically, his poem London, NURSES SONG and The
Chimney Sweeper, which all rely in Songs
of Experience reveal his political views of the time.
The poems in Songs of Experience have a collective darker tone in contrast Songs
of Innocence, and naivety of them.
Blake creates this ambiguity through these collective poems by creating tones
of imprisonment and victimization through the content and language. The
combination of the language, repetition of words emphasizing and dramatizing
the pain is evident throughout these works, however the actual image and what
is represented questions the disparity the poem shows. However the combination
of the presence of youth and warm coloring in the image creates a disjunction
between Blake’s words and imagery. This ultimately causes ambiguity between the
text and the imagery, showing the disjunction of the people and government
during this period. In other words Blake is giving undertones of his political
views and influences during the time through his work.
First looking at Blake’s poem London, it has four stanzas, and halfway
through the poem Blake’s focus changes. The first part creates a feeling of
suffocation, an inability to escape. His focus then shifts to personalize and
universalize the victims, (the people) of London. In the second stanza there
are three lines where there is a repetition in the language emphasizing these
tones the poem creates.
“In every cry of every Man,
In every Infants cry of fear,
In every voice: in every ban,”
Blake makes this sense of suffocation universal by making it
broad and impersonal by showing there is a sense of low morale throughout the
entire people of London. The word “every” universalizes the actions in each
phrase, and the simplicity of the language makes no room for questioning this
despair. In addition he uses the words “man” and “infants” showing this
darkness effects everyone. To emphasize this, the last of the second stanza
states, “mind forg’d manacles” alluding to the enslavement of infants. There is
an overall feeling of suffocation in London because everyone is suffering.
Additionally Frank Smitha who researched Britain in the mid seventeen hundreds
states in his work, “With the rise in Britain's commerce, London had become a busier place
and had been gathering more people from England's rural areas and from
Scotland, Wales and Ireland. London also had migrants from Germany, Holland and
France. London had become a great center for the arts and fashion” (Smitha).
After reading his statement seeing that the population in London is growing,
and becoming a more populated city, it seems that Blake’s poem London is what
he is seeing due to the influx of the population on a broad scale. Additionally
while Smitha talks about London in a positive way being “a great center for the
arts and fashion,” the problems of the city are not mentioned in his work.
Blake brings out these problems inhabited by many people of the city.
Blake goes on in the last two stanzas changing his focus to personalizing the
victimization of the people of London. His focus changes here to personalizing
from “every” to giving specific examples of how the people of London suffer.
Specifically, looking at the children, in the third stanza it is said,
“How the Chimney-sweepers cry”
The allusion of the slavery is now tangible, exposing the
mistreatment of children during this time. Although the reader cannot
easily vision these people, Blake emphasizes their emotions. Additionally he is
making a reference to another poem in Songs
of Experience, The Chimney Sweeper. In this poem there is a line and it
“They clothed me in the clothes of death,
And taught me to sing the notes of woe…”
“…Who make up a heaven of our misery.”
Clothes of death and notes of woe reveal more specifically these chimneysweepers
were put in high-risk conditions where an early death was evident. Even in the
last line of the last stanza God is referred to, knowing that heaven awaits
him. There is nothing uplifting about this poem besides the thought that heaven
awaits. Blake continues to personalize his poem London in the fourth
and final stanza as well articulating,
“Blasts the new-born Infants tear
And blights with plagues the Marriage hearse”
While many celebrate a newborn child and are overjoyed, this
is a stark contrast of what one would expect. The use of the word “tear” shows
the unhappiness that this child was brought into this world, the misery the
mother has will soon be shared by the child. The word “plague” is associated
with death, and here it is as if the child has entered or been introduced to
their death. There is no hope for the child in this world he or she was brought
into and Blake depicts this through the small selection of words he has used.
Blake makes his point of the injustice that occurred in London through his
poem, fully describing the dirt, disease and death throughout it. There was a
great emphasis on the children as well, and in the International Handbook on
Juvenile Justice supports the atrocities committed onto the youth. Blake
published Songs of Innocence and Experience in 1789. London in the late 1700’s
was not an ideal place for children to grow up. For example in the International
Handbook on Juvenile Justice: Chapter 6: England it is stated that, “In
1735, a 10-year old girl was an apprentice stole some money and was sentenced
to die (Radzinowicz, 1948). Radzinowicz notes that 18 of the 20 people executed
in London in 1785 were under the age of 18. Although rare, there are recorded
instances of older children being executed well into the 1800’s. Young
offenders under the age of seven could, then receive lenient treatment”
(Hirschel Wakefield 93). This statement shows clear evidence of events that
occurred during this time Blake was writing. Even though it does not show the
poverty taken place in London during the time, it shows the injustices that
were done onto children. It shows that Europe’s youth was working and there
were reasons that the children needed to work and steal from those in their
in Songs of Experience, NURSES SONG, the
nurse, who is the speaker expresses bitterness and misfortune, giving the
children no voice. Blake writes,
“Your spring & your day are wasted in play,
And your winter and night in disguise.”
She is unable to find happiness watching the children, showing the
bitterness she feels using the word “wasted,” but also knowing what is ahead
for them in their future, which is not a bright one. Winter and night are
associated with darkness, and lack of life revealing that their futures are not
a bright one.
Blake’s work London, supported by
The Chimney Sweeper and NURSES SONG, confidently shows the darkness and despair
that took place during this time. While some of the physical features in the
imagery, shown in the poem London, support this struggle, the use of children
and color question the darkness Blake displays. First, looking at the top of
the image one sees an elderly man walking through the night with a small child.
The body language of the two obviously shows the misery. The man physically
looks exhausted and helpless, slumping over, reflecting how Blake described the
people of London in the poem. However it is interesting that the child instead
of looking miserable like the elderly man is looking up at him into the light,
reaching out for the old man almost a if the child is reaching for hope. In
addition the young boy is painted in green, which is associated with growth and
youth. It is as if the boy is yearning to protect the elderly man, and provide
him with the warmth he has lost but the boy still has. The coloring and
lighting is important in this image because when reading the poem one would
expect the image to be more dark, powerful and disturbing but that’s not what
is presented here. The warm browns, orange and red throughout the painting
contrast the darkness of the poem. In addition the light shinning in on the
image takes up the majority of space, leaving only the corners with dark
shadows makes me wonder if Blake is trying to portray that light overpowers
darkness. This particular image coincides with and reinforces the image below.
The image below displays a young boy kneeling next to the fire for warmth. The
boy is obviously cold and is in need of the warmth and protection. However the
boy is painted in gold, which is associated with triumph and wealth. If Blake
is so cynical towards the situation in London during this time why is this
young boy painted gold. It seems counteractive to the language in the poem. In
addition the use of a young boy is causing disjunctively with the poem just
stating the awful lives children have. The boy could be struggling to find that
warmth and protection, to overcome this darkness. The child is facing the
light, which has warm reds, oranges and blues. The strokes look soft and full
of body, contrasting something that could be hard and rigid like the dark times
the poem was referring to.
Additionally the image in NURSES
SONG, shows the nurse brushing the young girls hair, one can tell the nurse is
handling this job delicately by the placement of her hands and head tilt
towards the young girl. The whole scene looks graceful and bright. Even the
young girl in the background has her head tilted, looking relaxed while reading
a book. Additionally the girls are wearing green, and the plants that border
the image are green and flourishing. Just like the boy in London, there is a
sense of hope and growth portrayed in the children.
However the image in The Chimney
Sweeper holds a darker tone. The entire image is shades of blue, and while the
setting shows the boy out in the rain headed towards darkness, his body
language is similar to the boys in the poem London. It is important to note
that he was alone, working as a chimney sweeper, one was on their own and
isolated from the outside world. He is looking up and into the distance, most
likely looking at the storm but he is not frowning, in fact he is almost smiling.
It is interesting that he does not look sad or frightened, because the reality
of the situation did not have a positive outlook. Besides from chimney sweepers
there were other high-risk for sickness jobs. The British Library Board states
about the poor in London during the mid seventeen hundreds, “‘mudlarks’ of both sexes
and all ages waded thigh‐deep in the filthy toxic Thames mud to retrieve
anything they could sell. Dogs’ turds could be collected and sold to the
tanneries to help create leather. Discarded cigar butts could be recycled and
marketed as new” (The British Library Board). Sickness was all over London
during this time, and could have been avoided but was the only source of money
for the poor. People who dealt with dog turds and used cigar butts were bound
for sickness and infection, showing that chimneysweepers were not alone in
these harsh, death bound jobs. This disjunction between reality and conflicting
ideas of what Blake presents in attention to why he does this.
Blake connects all three of the
poems imagery through color and the body language of the children. By doing
this Blake reveals that even though the situation in London is awful and he is
cynical about the current state something needs to change. It is apparent that
Blake has some hope for London’s future, because he would not create the disjunctively
between the words and imagery for no reason at all. Blake is bringing and
causing the readers attention to the current political situation.
The Purpose of his poetry and creating his imagery is to relay a message or
learn something from it. Blake’s entire book Songs of Innocence and Experience,
specifically his poem London, with supporting poems The Chimney Sweeper and
NURSES SONG has many political
undertones due to the fact there is endless disjunctivity and ambiguity present.
The time period, and the place Blake was surrounded by would define him as a
reformer. One incident discussed in The Poetry Foundation, reveals that events around him influenced his
views and writings,
“One incident at this time affected Blake deeply. In June of 1780
riots broke out in London incited by the anti-Catholic preaching of Lord George Gordon but
also by resistance to continued war against the American colonists. Houses,
churches, and prisons were burned by uncontrollable mobs bent on destruction.
On one evening, whether by design or by accident, Blake found himself at the
front of the mob that burned Newgate prison. These images of violent
destruction and unbridled revolution gave Blake powerful material for works
such as Europe (1794) and America (1793)” (The Poetry
Although Blake dedicated other material to outwardly express
his political views, Songs of Experience was
written within in the same years. He was actively involved in defying the
government, and additionally The British
Library wrote an article about him. It stated, “Blake’s view of philanthropic
responses to poverty was probably always ambivalent. The outbreak of the French
Revolution in 1789 gave a new political urgency to his views. In London a range
of new radical groups emerged, demanding major changes to the political system”
(Lincoln). While The Poetry Foundation shows that Blake’s actions influenced his
work, The British Library shows that events spurred an urgency in Blake to act
on his experiences. This supports and explains why the imagery in Blake’s
work questions the words he says, and solidifies that light overpowers
darkness. This undertone of light reveals that Blake believed London needed a
political reform and that is why he created this disjunctive work His literal
words show the lack of freedoms and suffocation and pain the people of London
face but his imagery is about overcoming this struggle. Reformists of this
time, including Blake went against traditional church thought and their great
influence in society. Instead their beliefs supported civil liberties and
fought for greater democracy. Therefore Blake’s Poem London, The Chimney Sweeper
and NURSES SONG is simply shedding light to the social injustice that occurred
and revealing the atrocities that were committed onto London’s own people.
London shows how the Church and State failed their people. Blake shows this
through the feelings of suffocation and victimization of the people. Blake’s
imagery of the children relays that his people are suffering, and struggling
but the colors and analysis show that there can be a brighter future with
freedoms but reform and revolution needs to take place.
Much of Blake’s work in Songs of Innocence and Experience is ambiguous, but
this ambiguity is the key and insight into his political views without him
being blunt. His work states and exemplifies the hardships the people of London
face every day. However his imagery counteracts what is written. It physically
shows the struggles, but his use of innocent children and color create the
possibility of a brighter future. Blake did this to shed light on the injustice
occurring in London. Blake himself became a reformist through the experiences
he had, including witnessing a mob, and seeing the backlash from the French
Revolution. As a reformist he specifically vocalized his negative views toward
church and state through his works of Songs of Innocence and Experience. He
hoped for reform and revolution but it was only possible if people vocalized
their views, and so he did in his work, and played his political role.
Works Cited
J. David, and William Wakefield. "Chapter 6: England." International
Handbook on Juvenile Justice. By Donald J. Shoemaker. Westport, CT:
Greenwood, 1996. N. pag. Print.
Smitha, Frank E. "Britain in the
Mid-1700s." Britain in the Mid-1700s. Smitha, 2001-2014. Web. 01
Dec. 2014. <>.
The British Library Board. "Health and Hygiene." Health and
Hygiene. The British Library Board, n.d. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.
The Poetry Foundation. "William Blake." Poetry Foundation.
Poetry Foundation, 2014. Web. 22 Nov. 2014.
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